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Internet For All

Ensuring Robust Participation in the BEAD Program

NOVEMBER 1, 2023

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program will only succeed if every penny is wisely spent. This includes ensuring that subgrantees have the capacity not just to build and deploy high-speed Internet networks but to operate those networks for years to come, delivering Internet connectivity to areas that for too long have been left behind.   

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The N50 Project

The N50 Project accelerates digital adoption and community enrichment through innovative applications, network design, and business models to enable the next 3 billion people to participate in the digital world. 

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Digital Connect, an initiative of Gila River Telecommunications, Inc.

Digital Connect® is an initiative of Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. Our goal is to bridge the digital divide in the Gila River Indian Community and Indigenous communities everywhere through digital skills trainings, support services, and learning resources that are easy to understand and readily accessible, and to develop future generations of Indigenous people as leaders in technology. The GRTI board of directors created DCI in recognition of the need to promote digital inclusion, leverage broadband connectivity for community and economic advancement, and embrace modern technology as a resource for heritage preservation in the digital age. As a technology leader, Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. is the ideal host for the Digital Connect Initiative.

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Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP

Founded in 2004, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP is a social impact organization with a mission to “harness the power of technology to change the way we age.” OATS aims to empower older adults with the tools and training necessary to take advantage of today’s technology and use it to enrich their lives. Through its flagship program, Senior Planet from AARP, OATS works closely with older adults to create extraordinary experiences in-person and online.

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Maricopa Association of Governments

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) provides a forum for local governments working together on issues that affect the lives of everyone in the greater Phoenix region.

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Arizona Department of Administration

The Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) was established by the Arizona State Legislature in 1973 to support the operation of state government by centralizing support services to enable state agencies to focus their efforts on their own unique missions.

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Arizona Commerce Authority

The Arizona Commerce Authority facilitates workforce development initiatives, fosters economic growth, and supports entrepreneurship and innovation in the state. They work to attract businesses, promote job creation, and drive economic development across various sectors.

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Institute for Digital Inclusion Acceleration

Institute for Digital Inclusion Acceleration (IDIA) provides a range of digital equity ecosystem supports including age and stage-appropriate digital skill building, digital and financial literacy training, and 21st-century workforce development. Navigators offer a robust in-person, hybrid, and virtual digital navigator program, and provide digital navigator and digital health navigator training. Additionally, IDIA offers telehealth system design and support services and provides device distribution and online safety training. IDIA Tech Hives are spaces where community meets technology. Hives culturally responsive community spaces designed to increase a sense of belonging in the digital world while improving use, adoption, and affinity for technology. IDIA also provides comprehensive impact evaluation.

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Sun Corridor Network

Sun Corridor Network is a nonprofit organization focused on providing high-speed internet access and infrastructure to support economic development in Arizona. They work with community anchor institutions, including schools and libraries, to enhance broadband connectivity and bridge the digital divide in rural, remote, urban underserved areas.

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