Arizona Broadband Map

The Arizona Broadband Map was created in partnership with Maricopa County, and made possible by ARPA funding, to provide insights into the current state of internet access and relevant socioeconomic factors and aid in identifying areas that could benefit from digital equity efforts.

The Arizona Broadband Map includes internet connectivity and demographic layers that facilitate a better understanding of the spatial patterns of broadband access and digital equity in the county.

Served status definitions (BEAD program):

  • Areas with speeds greater than or equal to 100 / 100 are served symmetrical
  • Areas with speeds greater than or equal to 100 / 20 are served
  • Areas with speeds less than 100/20 but greater than or equal to 25/3 are underserved
  • Areas with speeds less than 25/3 are unserved
  • When the download and upload speeds fall in separate categories, the location is considered unmatched

All layers are projected to NAD1983 StatePlane Arizona Central 0202 (Intl Feet) and clipped to the Arizona boundary layer.

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This map was first published in September 2023 for Maricopa County and continues to be iterated upon as new data layers and areas become available. 

Efforts are made for confidence in reliability, but AZ-1 does not guarantee this map and information is accurate, complete or current. This map is provided for the general public to use for informational purposes only and may not always reflect real-time or accurate data. AZ-1 cannot guarantee the accuracy of all data and cannot be held responsible for any errors for any reason. Some data layers are still only available for Maricopa County, not statewide. The information and layers displayed on this map are subject to change without notice. Other reasons for possible inaccuracies of data may include FCC source data inaccuracies and census bias in mis/under-reporting. Users should independently research, investigate, and verify information before relying on it. Contact broadband providers for the most accurate information. By using this website, you acknowledge and understand it is offered “as is” without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, and you have read the above and waive any right you may have to claims, damages, or other liability against AZ-1, its affiliates, officers, employees, contractors arising from or in connection with your use of the information provided on the website.

If you have feedback for additional datasets, improvements to our maps, or any other questions/concerns, please email us at

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