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American Indian Policy Institute Center for Tribal Digital Sovereignty Logo

American Indian Policy Institute Center for Tribal Digital Sovereignty

The American Indian Policy Institute is home to the newly formed Center for Tribal Digital Sovereignty, formed in partnership with the National Congress of American Indians. This Center is the first and only one in the nation dedicated to helping tribal governments, leadership, and communities understand the complexities of digital sovereignty. It provides access to resources and serves as a clearinghouse for tribal digital sovereignty. The center works towards the following goals and concepts: scholarship, capacity building, policy research and advocacy, and forming a coalition of organizations that work together to support tribes.

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NTIA Permitting and Environmental Information Application Screenshot

NTIA Permitting and Environmental Information Application

This Application was created to help with permitting planning and environmental review preparation efforts by providing access to multiple maps from publicly available sources, including federal review, permitting, and resource agencies, as well as information about infrastructure and right of way. 

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CORI - Broadband Map Thumbnail

CORI - Interactive Rural Broadband Service Map

This map from The Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) allows potential BEAD applicants to explore eligible project areas, view project areas funded by previous federal grants, and easily see existing ISP footprints in potential deployment areas. The tool is designed to support efficient initial assessments of eligibility by census block, and the creation of a high-level grant strategy based on that eligibility.

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ASU Logo

Arizona State University

Arizona State University works to advance digital equity in Arizona. The university offers a range of programs including workforce development, financial and digital literacy, disability services, career services, and research initiatives related to technology and innovation. ASU’s robust community outreach programs, research collaborations, and innovative partnerships, seek to address the barriers faced by underserved communities including challenges related to accessing and utilizing technologies.

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Arizona Department of Homeland Security

Arizona Department of Homeland Security

The Arizona Department of Homeland Security provides cybersecurity services at no-cost to State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments (SLTTs) and K-12 school districts through the Statewide Cyber Readiness Program. Services and products include Advanced Endpoint Protection, Security Awareness Training and Anti-Phishing, Converged Endpoint Management, Multi-Factor Authentication, and Web Application Firewall.

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Arizona Department of Education Digital Learning

Arizona Department of Education

The Arizona Department of Education promotes digital literacy and offers resources to educators and students to enhance technology integration in schools. Their initiatives aim to equip students with the necessary digital skills for academic success and future workforce readiness.

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Internet For All

Ensuring Robust Participation in the BEAD Program

NOVEMBER 1, 2023

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program will only succeed if every penny is wisely spent. This includes ensuring that subgrantees have the capacity not just to build and deploy high-speed Internet networks but to operate those networks for years to come, delivering Internet connectivity to areas that for too long have been left behind.   

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